OFFICERS OF THE CENTRAL DIVISION MAKE DRUG ARREST - A search of local convenience store has resulted in two people being arrested.According to police reports around 6:10 pm on Monday 30th January, 2012 officers of the Central Division executed a search warrant on E & M Convenience Store.
OFFICERS OF THE MOBILE DIVISION UNCOVER FIREARM - In keeping with the Commissioner of Police Policing Plan, “Tackling Crime, officers of the Mobile Division removed another firearm from the streets of New Providence.
POLICE INVESTIGATES DOUBLE SHOOTING - Police are requesting the public’s assistance in locating two (2) men responsible for a double shooting incident.The incident reportedly occurred around 11:45 am on Monday 30th...It is reported that gunshots...
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WITH regard to the Operation Fast and Furious scandal, Americans fall into two camps: those who haven't really been following it, and those who having been following it and are baffled that people aren't more upset about it. If any readers are in the former camp, I refer you to
this story from the print edition earlier this month:
The operation, outlined in two congressional reports last summer, began in 2009 in the Phoenix, Arizona, field office of the ATF, which is under the Department of Justice. The department was trying to be more active in Mexico’s fight against its drug gangs, and decided that agents would allow known “straw purchasers” to buy guns from American shops. The straw buyers, the ATF reasoned, would bring the guns to the gangs. When the guns turned up again, the agents might be able to use them as evidence to build bigger cases.
In other words, federal law enforcement agents in Arizona encouraged and even pressured gun dealers to sell weapons to known straw buyers. That some 2,000 guns were thereby lost was actually
the purpose
of the operation, rather than an unintended consequence. The idea was that when the agents recovered the guns, they might be able to connect them to bigger crimes, like murder or conspiracy, rather than the relatively minor crime of straw purchasing. The logic is vaguely reminiscent of the Drug Enforcement Administration's
recent efforts to infiltrate trafficking organisations by facilitating shipments of money and drugs, with one key difference being that money is not, in itself, a weapon. Even if you're of the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" school of thought, Operation Fast and Furious clearly helped some of the people in question get the guns that they use. It came to national attention in December 2010, after Brian Terry, a Border Patrol agent, was killed in a firefight near the border. Two of the guns recovered at the scene were traced to Operation Fast and Furious.
The operation itself can be considered phase one of the scandal, and it has since ended. There is a phase two, however, which is that the Department of Justice has been less than forthcoming about the whole sordid episode, in a way that erodes confidence in the department and the attorney-general, Eric Holder. From the print edition again:
Last February the department issued a letter denying the allegations that the ATF had allowed gunwalking. In March Barack Obama told Univision that neither he nor Mr Holder had authorised the operation. Six weeks later, in May, Mr Holder told the House Judiciary Committee that he had “probably” first heard of Operation Fast and Furious “over the past few weeks”.
Last month the department withdrew its February letter, saying it was not correct. Testifying again a few days later, Mr Holder was sanguine when asked to clarify the difference between lying to Congress and misleading it: “Well, if you want to have this legal conversation, it all has to do with your state of mind.” He added that the department would not be turning over any materials related to the operation from later than February.
The most recent developments are that on January 25th, after being subpoenaed by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, a federal prosecutor in Arizona announced that he
would invoke his fifth amendment right—that is, the right to remain silent so you don't incriminate yourself. And on January 27th—Friday evening—the Justice Department released a lot of additional documents, including nine pages of emails (
available here in PDF) dating to the days after Mr Terry's death, including several from Monty Wilkinson, the then-deputy chief of staff to Mr Holder. "Tragic", wrote Mr Wilkinson on December 15th, 2010, in response to the news of Mr Terry's death. "I've alerted the AG, the acting DAG, Lisa, etc." Later that day Dennis Burke, the then-US attorney in Phoenix, wrote another note to Mr Wilkinson: "The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about—they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store."
While this doesn't necessarily falsify the claim Mr Holder made in May, that he only heard about Operation Fast and Furious "over the past few weeks", it does prove that his deputy chief of staff had heard about it in December—five months earlier. Many people therefore suspect that Mr Holder is not being fully candid; even if he hadn't heard anything about this until the spring of last year, you have to wonder why his staff didn't bother apprising him of the operation. It may be that Mr Holder is being reticent for a reason: Partisan polarisation is running so high that if he had been more forthright, Republicans would have used the frank talk as a weapon against him, his department, and perhaps the Obama administration more generally. That would be a sad and sobering thought for the American people—things have gotten so bad that well-meaning officials are afraid to tell the truth for fear of outsized punishment.
For Mr Holder, however, that would be at best an explanation, rather than an excuse. It's true that most of the criticism of Mr Holder has come from Congressional Republicans. In this case, however, the critics have a point, even if they are partisans. The ATF is a branch of the Justice Department, which is led by Mr Holder. No one is suggesting that he dreamed up this operation, only that he has a responsibility to address it squarely and honestly, which is entirely fair. Instead his response has been to
spin it as a political witch hunt.
Mr Holder is scheduled to testify again on Thursday. Let's hope he is willing to be more forthcoming. At this point, the pressing threat to the department's reputation—and to that of the Obama administration—isn't coming from congressional Republicans. It's coming from the attorney-general's own stonewalling.
(Photo credit: AFP)
foodborne pathogens dead in their tracks. And sometimes that sort of news appears in unexpected places.
Take, for example, the January edition of Popular Mechanics. In a section about the
"Ten Tech Concepts You Need to Know," readers learn that "this year's big ideas in tech will make your food safer, make hybrid cars more energy efficient, and sentence overpriced texting plans to death."
Right out of the gate, at the top of the list, is a USDA-approved food-safety process that the magazine refers to as "Pascalization," commonly known in the food industry as HPP, or high pressure processing. And while it's only been used on the commercial level for the past 2 decades or so, the technology has been around far longer than that.
Turns out that none other than French scientist, mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) conducted research on food preservation. What he came up with -- high pressure processing -- is what Popular Mechanics describes as "changing the way we think about food."
This process doesn't rely on heat, such as pasteurization; or chemicals, such as preservatives; or irradiation to kill the harmful bacteria on food. And while heat and cooking are good ways to kill bacteria, they can also impair the flavor, texture, color and nutrition of the food. For the most part, the same is true of irradiation.
Under high pressure processing, already packaged products such as fresh hamburger and turkey; processed fruit such as apple sauce; oysters; fish; guacamole; and ready-to-eat meats such as sliced turkey, pastrami and beef are put inside a pressure chamber. Water is then added to the chamber before it is sealed. From there, the pressure is increased to the maximum desirable level and sustained for a set period of time. The chamber is then decompressed and drained and the packaged products are removed.
We're talking about a lot of pressure. For example, at sea level, air pressure is 14.4 pounds per square inch. In the case of products put under HPP, the pressure ranges from 60,000 to 87,000 pounds per square inch.
And while that sounds like enough pressure to squash or damage the packaged food, that doesn't happen because the pressure is applied equally on all areas of the product.
The good news is that the pressure zaps foodborne pathogens such as E. coli O157:H7, Listeria and Salmonella, as well as "spoilage" microorganisms such as molds and yeasts -- without affecting the nutritional qualities or the taste of the food products. That's because while it has enough force to significantly disrupt cellular activity, it doesn't affect the structures of the food components that are responsible for nutrition and flavor.
Another plus is that because HPP is applied when the products are already packaged, it eliminates the possibility of cross-contamination. In other words, the products are free of pathogens when they get to the customers, whether they be grocery shoppers, restaurants, schools or other institutions. Even so, people preparing the food must follow basic food-safety procedures, such as washing their hands and preventing cross-contamination with other foods or cooking utensils to keep the food safe from foodborne pathogens.
But HPP isn't a one-step-and-it's-safe sort of approach to food safety. Companies that use it also follow standard food safety principles all the way down the line.
Last year when Food Safety News wrote about
HPP, the big news was that meat-processing giant Cargill had introduced a patent-pending process for a new line of fresh hamburger patties produced under high pressure processing. At the time, the company hailed it as a "natural option for food safety" and a "technological breakthrough." Until then, no one had figured out how to use high pressure processing on fresh hamburger meat without affecting its taste, texture or appearance.
The patties were slated for the food service industry, with customers such as restaurants saying that they were looking for a "fresh hamburger" option with good shelf life. According to a
news release from Cargill, the HPP burgers have double the shelf life of non-HPP burgers. Yet the fresh flavor stays intact and food safety is enhanced.
The company's name for these HPP burgers is "fressure." The idea is that the fressure logo could be used on restaurant menus so customers would know the burgers were fresh, not frozen. And while the label advised that the meat be cooked to 160 degrees, the "fressure" burgers gave cooks and chefs the option to cook them to lower temperatures and therefore satisfy customers who wanted medium-rare burgers, for example. Even so, restaurant menus are required to carry a warning that undercooked or uncooked meats and shellfish can pose a risk to human health.
At the time, long-time HPP researcher V.M. Balasubramaniam, Department of Food Science and Technology at Ohio State University, told Food Safety News that this new development on the part of Cargill was "the most promising food-safety innovation in recent years." And he predicted that the technology would become a key player in food safety.
Ten months later, he echoed similar thoughts in the comments he supplied to Popular Mechanics, pointing out that sauces, fruit juices, guacamole, lunch meats, and fish hold up well to HPP and and that treated versions of these foods can be found in stores today.
He also pointed to falling equipment costs for HPP and the demand for longer shelf life, coupled with a poor consumer acceptance of food irradiation, which he referred to as "HPP's competition" as reasons that HPP will enter into the mainstream.
Indeed, it's almost there, with the industry having grown into a multi-billion-dollar business in recent years, he said.
Two Heavy-Hitters
As 2011 came to an end, more news about HPP found its way into mainstream media, thanks to two heavy hitters in the food industry.
The first of these is Cargill, which once again turned to HPP, this time for some of its ground turkey. Michael Martin, spokesman for Cargill, told Food Safety News that in the wake of the company's August and September 2011 recalls of millions of pounds of ground turkey (triggered by the possible contamination of the product by multi-drug resistant strain of Salmonella Heidelberg), the company explored all current food safety technologies to determine which could be effective at further reducing the potential for foodborne illness.
"One of those is high pressure processing (HPP), which we are using on some ground turkey products packaged in chubs," Martin said. Chubs are thin plastic packages containing ground meat or poultry, with the ends fastened together with a metal clasp.
Martin said the company continues to evaluate the food-safety value and consumer acceptance of the product undergoing HPP, which is being done by a third-party supplier.
The second heavy hitter to enter the HPP scene late in 2011 was none other than Starbucks. With its purchase of juice-maker Evolution Fresh in November, Starbucks cast its vote for HPP. In acquiring the company, Starbucks emphasized the competitiveness of high pressure processing since juices treated with HPP are never heated.
In the
Starbuck's news release about the purchase of the company, Jimmy Rosenberg, founder of Evolution Fresh and the newly named chief juice office of the company, said that using High Pressure Pasteurization (another term for HPP) to help ensure the inherent nutrients are kept intact during the juicing process is a key point of differentiation for a growing number of the company's juices.
Rosenberg founded Naked Juice, which is now owned by PepsiCo. Another juice contender, Odwalla, was bought by CocaCola. But companies pasteurize their juices. Starbucks plans to serve Evolution juices at juice and health bars, in stores, and also at its company-owned retail stores, thus bringing the HPP juices to the attention of about 60 million people worldwide each week. In an email to Food Safety News, a spokesperson for Starbucks said that juices processed with HPP will be noted as such on the bottle labels.
"As more information becomes available about HPP, we believe customers will seek out these juice products," said the spokesperson.
The news about Starbuck's plans for Evolution juices found its way into USA Today and the LA Times, among many other mainstream media outlets. "For us, this is exciting because Starbucks will be marketing the juice as HPP," Glenn Hewson, vice president of Global Marketing for
Avure, the global leader in HPP food processing equipment, told Food Safety News. Last year, Avure described HPP as "food safety's best kept secret" and pointed to $3 billion in food products worldwide created with HPP each year.
Among the companies using it for all or some of their products are Hormel, Fresherized Foods, Garden Fresh Gourmet, Perdue, Puro Fruits, SimplyFresco, Maple Lodge Farms, and Wholly Guacamole.
America is the leader in HPP, with Mexico coming in second. HPP products are also being produced in Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Korea.
And while there's an additional cost of using HPP, food companies are finding that consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about food safety and that many are willing to pay the extra cost.
When people learn about HPP, the first question they usually ask is how they can know which foods are processed with HPP.
Unfortunately, said Avure's Hewson, many companies don't include that information on their labels, although they do include it on their websites.
With that in mind, Hewson said that manufacturers of HPP products should consider joining the ranks of companies like
Fresherized Foods,
Maple Lodge Farms and
Ifantis in developing HPP branding that tells consumers about the benefits on the technology right on the package.
"Processors will find that branding cements consumer awareness and drives market demand for their products that stand out from the crowd," he said.
He predicts that before long, there will be an industry mark that signifies that HPP has been used to produce the food items that have undergone the process.
To watch some videos about HPP processing, go
here, and
Companies using HPP are invited to list the products they make with the technology in readers' comments at the end of the article.
“This treatment regimen is able to clear blood clots rapidly and safely, restoring blood flow in the veins of the lower leg, and the results are durable,” said lead author Richard Chang, M.D., chief of the interventional radiology section of the Department of Radiology, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Md.
DVT is a common and serious health problem in which a blood clot, or thrombus, form in the deep veins, particularly in the lower leg or thigh. Complications occur when the clot breaks off and travels to the lungs, resulting in pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal condition.
Most patients with DVT are treated solely with anticoagulation therapy (blood thinners) and compression stockings. However, studies have shown that one-third of these patients will suffer from post-thrombotic syndrome, characterized by pain, swelling, or in severe cases by changes in skin color or skin ulceration. Another third are likely to have another clot or pulmonary embolism within five years of their initial DVT.
Treatments with thrombolytic (clot-dissolving) therapy could potentially protect against these occurrences, but can pose a bleeding risk. Therefore, Dr. Chang and colleagues sought to develop a safe, effective and affordable thrombolytic treatment regimen for DVT.
Twenty patients with acute DVT were treated with direct intraclot lacing of the thrombus with a clot-dissolving agent called alteplase and full systemic anticoagulation. Alteplase binds to the clot, so the procedure does not require continuous infusion of the drug, as do some thrombolytic therapies. With this treatment, after lacing one vein segment with alteplase, the interventional radiologist can immediately direct catheters to treat other vein segments to ensure that the entire clot has been adequately treated.
The results of the study showed that blood flow was restored throughout the deep venous system in 16 (80 percent) of the 20 patients during therapy with complete resolution of symptoms in 18 patients (90 percent) after six months of anticoagulation. Alteplase was cleared from the patients’ circulatory system within two hours of treatment, reducing the risk of subsequent bleeding.
There were no serious complications or bleeding during the treatment, and no cases of post-thrombotic syndrome or recurrent clotting during follow-up of 3.4 years.
“With this therapy, pain and swelling resolve rapidly, and, in most cases, the patient is able to resume all normal activity within a week,” said the study’s co-author, McDonald K. Horne III, M.D., from the hematology section of the Department of Lab Medicine, Clinical Center, NIH.
The authors caution that larger clinical trials are required to further support the efficacy of this promising treatment.
Mexicali Cheese of Woodhaven, NY produced cheese under persistent unsanitary conditions that contributed to Listeria monocytogenes contamination of the facility and the company's products, the FDA alleges in a complaint for permanent injunction filed Monday by the U.S. Department of Justice.
According to the FDA news release, Mexicali Cheese makes and distributes a variety of soft Mexican cheeses to grocery stores and supermarkets in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Mexicali Cheese's products include queso fresco [fresh cheese], queso oaxaca (Oaxacan cheese) and queso para freir [cheese for frying].
In October 2010,
an FDA warning letter said inspectors found Listeria monocytogenes in at least five locations inside the Mexicali processing facility. In August that year, the New York Department of Agriculture warned consumers not to eat any Queso Cotija Cheese from Mexicali because of possible Staphylococcus aureus contamination.
The injunction, if entered by the court, would stop the company and its officers from manufacturing and distributing food until they can bring their operations into full compliance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and FDA food safety regulations.
"FDA filed this complaint to protect the health of consumers," said Dara A. Corrigan, associate commissioner for regulatory affairs, in the agency's statement. "Working closely with New York's Department of Agriculture and Markets, we took this step to ensure that consumers do not eat potentially dangerous foods from this company."
The US is fast becoming one massive open air prison camp. Few realize that one by one their natural rights are being stripped by the fascist “criminal” law system.
As we’ve noted in the past, more than 30% of those under 23 have been arrested as the fascist US Government works to ensnare as many as possible into permanent indentured servitude through a criminal record. From the
New Yorker
Over all, there are now more people under “correctional supervision” in America—more than six million—than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height. That city of the confined and the controlled, Lockuptown, is now the second largest in the United States.
Once you have that special status the doors quickly close for you, and you will never be able to legally escape from the US. Your travel will be restricted and you will not be eligible to apply for a foreign passport.
Seemingly not content with having the largest prison population in the world, the US leviathan continues to expand its web to ensnare more into “the system”.
Original Drawing of a Panopticon Prison
In the late eighteenth century. English philosopher and social theorist
Jeremy Bentham came up with the concept of the panopticon. The purpose of the design is to allow the observation of (
) all (
) inmates of an institution without them being able to tell whether or not they are being watched.
Although Bentham considered the use of such a structure for all manner of institutions, prisons were the first place where the concept was implemented.
The corporatist state is doing its best to create the ultimate Panopticon within the borders of the US. We noted one recent development with the deployment of the “Peacemaker” to the streets of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
The "Peacemaker"
You can find out all you need to know about the
“Peacemaker” here.
The costumed enforcer sums it up with one line: “the bad guys know – hey we’re watching you”. Forgoing for the moment the question of who really is the bad guys here (hint: the government and police), he fails to mention that the “peacemaker” isn’t just watching “the bad guys”. It is watching
who happens to pass by its hulking form.
Sadly people have been brainwashed since birth into thinking that the State is good and it protects them, and that without the State the world would be very dangerous. This in turn causes them support these continued attacks on their own liberties. Ayn Rand termed this the
"sanction of the victim"
One of the brainwashed in the video thinks that those who complain about the Orwellian vehicle should be paid special attention. I would suggest to the slave that he takes it one step further – if he has nothing to hide, why not place a set of cameras within his own home? Hey, he is already funding them with his tax dollars, why bother using a private security firm? You think that sounds unreasonable? Well guess what – the Brits have already put that into practice.
Wired in 2009
£400 million ($668 million) will be spent on installing and monitoring CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens. Why? To make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables. The scheme has, astonishingly, already been running in 2,000 family homes. The government’s “children’s secretary” Ed Balls is behind the plan, which is aimed at problem, antisocial families. The idea is that, if a child has a more stable home life, he or she will be less likely to stray into crime and drugs.
It gets worse. The government is also maintaining a private army, incredibly
called “Thought Police”, which will “be sent round to carry out home checks,” according to the Sunday Express. And in a scheme which firmly cements the nation’s reputation as a “nanny state”, the kids and their families will be forced to sign “behavior contracts” which will “set out parents’ duties to ensure children behave and do their homework.
All “for the children” you see.
Now you might say that the “Peacemaker” isn’t quite the definition of the surveillance state – I mean you can see the thing! But don’t worry, your overlords have been working quietly to ensure they cover every square foot of their empire.
All for your own good.
Janet Napolitano, director of the Department of Homeland Security
now appears in every Walmart in the country, hoping to enlist the good consumers in the fight against “threats”. Every eye of every citizen is a potential tool of the “Homeland”. Of course, the ones who should really be watched are the watchers.
Predictably, the tools of the global war on terror have now been turned into tools of oppression for the jack booted thugs in the USSA. The Predator Drone, a mainstay of the CIA’s assassination campaigns is now being utilized for "interior law enforcement support"
General Atomics MQ-1 Predator
Local police say they have used two unarmed Predators based at Grand Forks Air Force Base to fly at least two dozen surveillance flights since June. The FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration have used Predators for other domestic investigations, officials said.
"We don't use [drones] on every call out," said Bill Macki, head of the police SWAT team in Grand Forks. "If we have something in town like an apartment complex, we don't call them."
The drones belong to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which operates eight Predators on the country's northern and southwestern borders to search for illegal immigrants and smugglers. The previously unreported use of its drones to assist local, state and federal law enforcement has occurred without any public acknowledgment or debate.
Equipped with “high-resolution cameras, heat sensors and sophisticated radar”, these machines are just the thing needed to ensure the tax slaves are KEPT IN.
And while you are kept as a blood bag for the vampire state, you will have to deal with an ever-increasing network of internal travel controls. Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams are expanding across the USA, targeting bus terminals, rail stations, and highway travel. “Border” police are also getting into the act, setting up shop miles from the actual borders of the USSA.
A letter from one TDV reader, Warren W., confirms the dire reality of the situation, he writes:
Just back from driving I10 from Fla. to AZ. At about 100 miles either side of El Paso, US Customs & "Border Patrol" (in quotes because they aren't at the border where they could do some real patrolling) have set up permanent shop on I10.
The eastbound roadblock is east of El Paso and the westbound one is west of El Paso. They are huge, drive-through type buildings straddling the interstate, kind of like what California used to have for checking to see if we had any fruit. The buildings have offices also.
When I passed the eastbound roadblock, the westbound lanes I was in were lined with a gauntlet of at least a dozen cameras we had to drive past. I don't think it paranoid to imagine facial recognition and license plate scanning was occurring.
After seeing that, I was quite sure there would be a roadblock for westbound travelers but had no idea where it would be. It turned out to be in New Mexico.
Anticipating "my" roadblock, I told myself that, although it would ruin my day and involve risk of tasering, beating and/or incineration, I would have to insist on a search warrant if my car was singled out for a search. And what a search it would be -- $2,500 cash, a Ruger LCP in my back pocket, a Glock in the glove box, and Ron Paul stickers on front and rear bumpers. Can you say
As it turned out, there was only one guy at "my" roadblock telling each vehicle's operator to keep going. So I wasn't searched. But on the way in the building I
filmed again by a similar camera gauntlet that I had previously experienced.
There were probably half a dozen "Border Patrol" SUVs parked at the office which meant that the other tax eaters, instead of opening up new lanes so we did not have to waste time in a single file lane, were enjoying the comfort of their office instead.
As a side note, every car I saw pulled over by state troopers on I10 in New Mexico (about 3) had the trooper ransacking the trunk.
Bentham’s dream of the Panopticon is close to becoming a reality. It is time for you to consider your options and consider getting your gold and yourself out of dodge.
- Make plans to get out of countries like the US and the UK as soon as possible before they trap you into an arrest which will limit your travel movements severely.
- Apply for a foreign passport (
the best we know of is in the Dominican Republic).
- Once you have a foreign passport, consider renouncing your US/UK or other western police state passport. Wait lists to renounce US passports have recently increased from 6 months to over 2 years as a flood of US citizens look to get out while they still can.
- Get your assets outside of the control of your own government. Transport and store your gold and silver around the world (TDV will be releasing a full Special Report called “Getting Your Gold Out of Dodge” in the next month with lots of information on how to do this).
There are plenty of countries where the Government is not a giant all-seeing machine but is more of a nuisance. Some people state that they’d rather live inside the police state of the US than in some “corrupt” foreign country. That is your choice. But we’d rather give some policeman 200 pesos and get on with our day than to live inside the panopticon in the US and become ensnared into the criminal caste system in the US where escape is nearly impossible.
Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante today to get information and insights into the best ways to escape from the West and where and how to go elsewhere.
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There seems to be no stopping the popularity of SnL Dietary Supplements as people around the world are beginning to take notice of its effectiveness and its one-of-a-kind formulation innovated yet again by Yumei Mise. As word about the benefits and the ever increasing weight-loss success stories from SnL spread via the internet, forums are currently abuzz with topics regarding SnL and hoodia gordonii. Demands and inquiries on how to order SnL have been steadily increasing as well.
Websearches on hoodia gordonii, l-carnitine and green tea extract lands SnL on the first page, testament to the increased traffic to the SnL website as well as links to forum discussion regarding SnL. Given the history of Yumei Mise as an innovator of highly effective and affordable products, this of course should come as no surprise.
The optimism of Yumei Mise company, despite the booming popularity of the relatively new SnL brand, remains guarded as they caution users of SnL, both longtime users and new alike, to be on guard at the expected onslaught of global detractors wanting to capitalize on the growing fame of the SnL brand.
A good example of this would be another manufacturer of another ?weight-loss brand? who have been methodically visiting multiple weight-loss forums posting the same ?negative? review about SnL among other products and even going as far as putting up several bogus product ?review? websites to post the same ?negative? review.
The ?negative? review will have neither factual scientific basis nor studies backing up their claims. Its concern is just to to convince a few SnL users into trying the product that the people behind the bogus reviews are actually selling.
While underhanded marketing techniques like these are rather commonplace, what is alarming is that the product they are selling is not FDA approved and is just being sold in wild abandon on the internet. Further review of the contents of their product reveals that it even contains the dreaded fenfluramine-phentermine or fenphen, which gained notoriety at the turn of the millennium as studies showed that it causes irreversible heart problems and have been suspected of causing several fatalities in several areas around the world.
Yumei Mise through its website have since issued cautions to their users about such products going around the internet, especially those who have been riding on the popularity of SnL. The company at the same time assures that SnL still remains as one of safest and most effective weight loss supplement in the world today.
SnL Dietary Supplements is the first dietary supplement blend approved by the FDA in the Philippines with Hoodia Gordonii, arguably the worlds safest, naturally occurring appetite suppressant. Its active ingredient P57, have been studied and found out to have safe appetite suppressing qualities and it has been used safely by the bushmen of Kalahari Desert in Africa for centuries to stem their hunger for centuries during period of drought or during long hunting trips.
The much envied SnL blend also contains l-carnitine for fast conversion of stored body fats into energy, green tea extract which apart from being an effective fat burner is likewise a powerful antioxidant. Rounding up the excellent blend of SnL is GlutaNAC, a blend made famous by KB, another successful brand of Yumei Mise designed to effectively boost the glutathione levels in the body.
Yumei Mise has been a strong proponent of food supplement safety and pushes for the stricter regulations on products being traded on the internet. The company assures its loyal clients that SnL Dietary Supplement remains as one the worlds safest and most effective weight-loss supplements.
SnL Dietary Supplements is available in the Philippines at Mercury Drugstores, Watsons and other leading outlets. Local orders can also be attended to through the KB hotline number 0917-800-58-36. For international orders, inquiries, comments and suggestions, please visit the SnL website at
Johnny Carson once said that if you want to clear your system out, sit on a piece of cheese and swallow a mouse. Many would claim that a homeopath's prescription for colonic purging would be about as helpful. In the UK activists have devised a colourful way to make their point.
The Guardian reports on a series of unusual protests outside pharmacies in the UK. On Saturday, January 30, hundreds of self-proclaimed skeptics gathered to denounce the Boots chain's hawking of homeopathic remedies, treatments that are unregulated and have little or no scientific basis. At precisely 10:23am local time protesters staged a series of mass overdoses in several cities, downing entire bottles of pills and potions to emphasize their worthlessness as medicine.
CanadaPharmacyNews, no one seems to have braved the cold to have at it with Canuck homeopathy.
Skeptics argue that theories behind homeopathy – which relies on the extreme dilution of animal, plant, mineral as well as synthetic substances so that remedies do not contain a molecule of the original substance – are utter nonsense. Most scientists agree that the only possible impact of such remedies is as a placebo. The
10:23 Campaign, which organized the demonstrations in Britain, has created an interesting website, with a provocative collection of
videos. Richard Dawkins is entertaining as he demolishes homeopathic theory in less than ten minutes.
As predicted, no ill effects were reported from consuming massive amounts of homeopathic remedies. Anti-homeopathy groups have targeted Boots because they believe its nationwide status as a long-established pharmacy retailer gives the public false confidence in such products. The sale of homeopathic pills and potions in drugstores – along with potato chips, candy and soft drinks – sends a mixed message.
The anti-homeopathy lobby believes that by diverting people with genuine complaints away from conventional medicine homeopaths can put lives at risk. They cite cases of patients who have been been warned away from vaccinations, given homeopathic preparations for serious diseases like malaria, or advised to stop taking medication for cardiac disease.
The Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) has not changed its position on homeopathy since 1998, when it issued a
brief on herbal and homeopathic products, making several recommendations that generally revolved around ensuring that such preparations are regulated, that their claims of efficacy are substantiated by available clinical data, and that the safety of the Canadian public is protected.
Natural Health Products Regulations require all homeopathic medicines to have a licence before being sold in Canada. Licence holders are issued a product number which must appear on the label of their product. The Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD), which is responsible for issuing product licences for all natural health products, uses evidence submitted by applicants to critically assess the safety, efficacy and quality of NHPs before approving them for sale in Canada.
In addition to a product licence, all businesses in Canada which manufacture, package, label and/or import homeopathic medicines for sale must also have a site licence as of January 1, 2006. For more information on
Canadian regulation of natural and homeopathic products, see the Health Canada website. Despite these detailed rules, Canada's pharmacies are full of products of questionable pedigree.
Caveat emptor
Photo credits:
flickr photo by
TW Collins
flickr photo by
Forever Young
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Peel Away
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Prime Time
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Dear friends,
A very, very special welcome to our two guests of honour,
Lydia Cacho and
Roberto Saviano. We also welcome the family of Olof Palme. It may please you to hear that a few days ago, I received an email from an old friend in Greece who was exiled in Sweden during the military dictatorship there. We cooperated together with Andreas Papandreou and Mikis Theodorakis, and many more, in the Swedish Committee for Democracy in Greece, until the colonels were forced to leave power. The other day my friend sent me the following message: “I am working hard on writing a book on Olof Palme. He is an example of how politicians in Greece should and must act today. It is all about ethics and morality.” Thus the legacy of
Olof Palme lives on, also in today?s Greece.
Friends, you have come here from all walks of life and society to honour our two outstanding recipients of the Olof Palme Prize. We accordingly welcome members of the UN family, the foreign and Swedish diplomatic corps, a former prime minister and three former foreign ministers, the mayor of the city of Malmo, government officials, members of the European and Swedish parliaments, representatives of the arts, theatre and other cultural spheres, the community of engaged advocacy and solidarity, the Red Cross, Save the Children and Amnesty, religious congregations, publishers and national and foreign media, members of think tanks and foundations, private enterprise and banks, academia and adult education, trade unions and political parties, peace, women and human rights organizations including the Swedish chapter of
ECPAT. We also welcome the newly elected party leader of the Social Democratic Party, Stefan Lofven. You and your wife, Ulla, are regular participants in our award ceremonies and we are happy that you too could make it here today.
Our gratitude goes to the Social Democratic Party Group who provided us with this august meeting place, the old second chamber of the Swedish Parliament.
Since 1987, we have awarded the
Olof Palme Prize to men and women from all the continents of this globe, people who have stood up for human rights with exceptional courage and dedication. They cannot all be cited now but let me mention a few.
The first recipient in 1987 was
Cyril Ramaphosa then
Secretary General of the National Union of Mineworkers of South Africa and a leader of the African National Congress that celebrates its 100th anniversary this year.
Two years later the Olof Palme Prize was handed over to
Vaclav Havel
in Prague for his consistent and courageous contributions to truth and democracy. A few months later the Communist regime collapsed and Havel became president of Czechoslovakia
In the new Millennium, in 2002, the Prize went to
Hanan Ashrawi from Palestine
for her consistent and fearless fight over the years for her people’s independence and dignity and as an inspiring symbol of a new, democratic, peaceful Middle East.
In 2004 three Russians shared the Prize:
Anna Politkovskaja,
Ljudmila Aleksejeva,
Sergej Kovaljov “for their great courage, often matched with considerable personal sacrifice, risk- free speech and a free press and human rights”. Anna, with whom you both had a strong relationship, was brutally killed two years later.
In 2006 the Prize went to
Kofi Annan
the human rights defender
Mossaad Mohamed Ali from Darfur. Kofi is in town participating in another ceremony today in commemoration of the centennial of Raoul Wallenberg?s birth. We just had the pleasure of meeting with Kofi Annan and his wife Nane, and he sends his warm congratulations to all of you here. ?
And last year, the Palestinian psychiatrist
Eyad El-Sarraj, peace and human rights activist in Gaza, got the Prize “for his self-sacrificing and indefatigable struggle for reconciliation, and peace in a region characterized by violence, occupation, repression and human misery”.
Allow me also to recognize the presence here some of our previous recipients. With us here today are Bjorn Fries and
Kurdo Baksi, who together with the Parent Group in Klippan
won the Prize in 1999, for “their long, persistent fight for tolerance and openness, and against racism and Nazism in their own country.”
A struggle that, sadly, is still very necessary in the twenty-first century. The horrors of the mass murder on the Norwegian island of
Utoyaare still on our mind and in our hearts and will so be for a long, long time.
Among us is also
Hans Blix, the 2003 recipient, for his work against the spread of weapons of mass destruction on the basis of international law. He has under circumstances of strong external pressure demonstrated independence and a commitment to principle which have inspired respect and admiration throughout the world. He did so during the Bush war against Iraq and he does so today advocating diplomacy not war in the case of Iran.
And lastly on this issue, the Olof Palme Prize recipient in 2005,
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is now free at last. We have recently been in contact with her, and she declared that she would very much like to come to Sweden to personally receive the Prize. She has never been to Scandinavia before and looks forward to it, “at the right moment”. In April she is, as we know, a candidate in the elections.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
to the 2011 Olof Palme Prize which is awarded to
Lydia Cacho from Mexico, and
Roberto Saviano from Italy.
They receive it:
"for their tireless, selfless and often lonely struggle for their ideals, and for the benefit of fellow human beings. They are individuals who with extraordinary courage are acting despite the risk to their lives. They remind us of the necessity to direct our attention toward countries that we would otherwise regard as democracies, countries in which particularly women and children are cruelly exploited, enslaved and destroyed by global criminal networks, which in turn also threaten democracy itself as a system”.
Let me first turn to you, Lydia Cacho. You are a
feminist, human rights activist, journalist and writer, noted for your campaign against corruption among Mexican politicians and businessmen. In 2005 you published the documentary book "Los demonios del Eden", which reveals a paedophile network with ties to persons of high station in the community. You have also founded the organization "Centro Integral de Atencion a las Mujeres" (
CIAM) against the oppression of women and for their welfare. In
Las Memorias de la infamia, 2007
(Jag later mig inte skrammas, 2009) you describe how young girls who had denounced their torturers and rapists were exposed to another nightmare; the people who were supposed to help them, local and national authorities, judges and courts, did not protect them but instead often persecuted them. This cruel irony of justice was the effect of having challenged influential men and their criminal networks in collusion with economic and political power. In your exposure of these crimes and in your defense of these young, often children, you yourself became a target, a prisoner and a victim. You were as you said “kidnapped and harassed by the law”.
But Lydia Cacho was not any victim, this one fought back and with a vengeance. In your latest book "
Esclavas del Poder” (
Slaves of Power, 2010), also published in Swedish last year, you expose and denounce global trafficking and its cartels and mafias. You spent five years of research and travel on it, and you conclude that “the worst enemies of the exploited women and children on the global sex market are the consumers and their best friends could be the millions of men who say ?no? to this modern form of slavery”.
Your country is going through hard times, with drug wars and massacres of innocent civilians. But you are in your work and by your personae showing the world the other side of Mexico, a people we like and a nation we respect.
Benito Juarez who served five terms as president of Mexico, resisted the
French occupation, overthrew the foreign French-Austrian
Empire, restored the Republic, and became a progressive reformer once said
"Entre los individuos, como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz" - "Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace." This is also what you, Lydia Cacho, have shown in your dedicated mission.
Roberto Saviano, in your book "Gomorrah", which also became an award-winning film, you revealed the Camorra mafia organization to a wider public. In an essay included in your 2009 book, "
La Bellezza el'Inferno" (2009), you paid tribute to your murdered colleague Anna Politkovskaja. Your latest book "
Vieni Via Con ME", are stories based on your experiences and knowledge of the influence on Italian society by the Italian mafia.
For this you are paying a heavy price, which never, never should have been allowed to happen. Your writings and personal example contributed to the fall of that disgraceful regime that was Berlusconi?s. You know that as fellow Europeans Italy is a country that we love, so we have followed with pain events under that regime.
Your country has now a well- respected prime minister but you are still insulted and under constant threat by powerful criminals. We see you as a true patriot and intellectual within the outstanding tradition of Italian culture and intellectual life. You have expanded the Cartesian thesis of
Cogito, ergo sum
Escribo, ergo sum
. You say that “writing has given you the possibility to exist”, that it is a “way of waging resistance”. And that your dream is that “the written word still has the weight and power to change reality”.
Meeting people, being seen and heard by people is your way of breaking an imposed isolation.
Above all, you put your hope in being read, listened to and understood by your fellow citizens and readers world-wide. Only by collective action, by public concern and pressure, can change be achieved. The pen
be mightier than the sword.
You come under difficult circumstances to receive this prize and you come with a message. It is up to us all here, who, in the far and cold North, now have the privilege and pleasure to see, hear and read you, to embrace your message and turn it into action. Hopefully, your stay here will also bring some light into your camarae obscurae, your dark rooms.
Finally, before passing on the word to Lisbet Palme I would like inform you, Lydia and Roberto, about three Swedish colleagues of yours, who like you have taken great risks as journalists for the cause of truth.
Swedish-Eritrean journalist
Dawit Isaak, accused of plotting against the state, with wife and three children in Sweden
has spent more than ten years in jail in Eritrea without trial. Last month
Martin Schibbye and
Johan Persson were sentenced to 11 years in prison in Ethiopia accused of terrorism and entering the country illegally. Their only mission was to investigate the doings of a Swedish-led international oil company in the Ogaden province. I feel confident that we all can agree in joining our voices to ask for their release not least on humanitarian grounds.
Thank you.
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